Since releasing the Authentic Co-design Course in June 2020, people are doing the course and we've had a few questions asked about the what, when, why and how of using co-design to deliver complex projects.
In this series, we will be answering these common questions for course graduates and members of the Authentic Co-design community of practice.
For the first video, we decided to share it more broadly as we often get asked this question by people... watch the Q&A video from today to answer the question if co-design is suited to all projects.
@Max Hardy, @Susan Carter and myself developed the Authentic Co-design tools and training because we have continuously experienced the benefits of organisations working with their stakeholders to deliver better projects and solutions.
We know all organisations dealing with a range of stakeholders on complex issues and projects will benefit from a co-design approach. The benefits of working with community and stakeholders in this way are vast, deep and long lasting. At its core an Authentic Co-design process delivers:
Better relationships and ultimately, trust.
A deeper understanding of what managing this issue, site or project means
Better, long lasting solutions.
But, is a co-design process suited to all projects?
We've started to record our answers to your frequently asked questions.
And this is a question that we've received a few times so we recorded our answer for you (spoiler alert! Short answer is 'No, co-design is best for your most complex projects that need lasting solutions and relationships to succeed')
Watch the video for our slightly longer (2 minute view) on the question.
Take the course or sign up to the Community of Practice to get a free Authentic Co-design Framework and get the next instalment!
If you have a question, post it here or join and community and let us know what you'd like to know. #codesignQandA #Authenticcodesign #collaboration #projectdelivery #complexprojects
By the way... we have a new website!
Authentic Co-design also has a new home - visit to find out more about us, the Authentic Co-design tools, training and team professional development packages. You can still catch the daggy #COVIDlockdown video promo there!